Thursday, April 17, 2014

reading: graphic novels, new poetry, street art book

There isn't real time for longer novels these days for me, but i am reading some beautiful books.

One of them is "The Fountain", a graphic novel set in 3 different times, yet focusing on one of the everlasting unsolvable themes of mankind: that life leads to death.

Then there is "Indefinite Space" - a beautiful + a new indie poetry collection . It includes written poetry, but also visual poetry. I especially enjoy the pieces that reflect on the nature of poetry, like Andrew Topel’s “blueprints-constructing the poem-finishing touches” (that's the open page below). Or Bob Heman "Information":

That do not look like poems even though they are. That resist the
dissector’s scale and the analyzer’s blade.

...and here are the same books as above, but with open pages:

The third book in the photo is an art book, it's about the street art of JR. it's 3 weeks ago now that i visited his in-museum / out-in-town exhibition in Baden-Baden with my sister, who gave me the book as a pre-present that now is a post-present of the trip. It's interesting to see how the same pages now have a different touch after having seen his work in "live".

Here's more about the art trip, and beyond that, the collected art trips : street art, history, and a road trip: JR in Baden-Baden, Inside Out + more trips

There's another art trip blog entry waiting, this time about visiting a design museum. quite a contrast to the street art.


Currently Reading + More Reads:

For 2014, i didn't join a specific reading challenge, but i try to read books / authors from different countries and continents, and also follow the “readwomen2014” initiative. Here’s more about it: 2014 - year of reading women

For more reading notes in this blog, click here: life as a journey with books- and a reading list by regions is online at: World Reads by country

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